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Bandau diegti Boinc 5.8.16 i Vista. Rodo, kad veikia normaliai, bet nichnieko neparsiunchia. Viskas ka matau tai tik:
2007.05.25 15:20:09|Einstein@Home|Sending scheduler request: To fetch work
2007.05.25 15:20:09|Einstein@Home|Requesting 8640 seconds of new work, and reporting 2 completed tasks
2007.05.25 15:20:11|rosetta@home|Incomplete read of 207.000000 < 5KB for P4P6_Mg.sasa.gz - truncating
2007.05.25 15:20:11|rosetta@home|Incomplete read of 235.000000 < 5KB for 1gid_native_secstruct.pdat.gz - truncating
2007.05.25 15:20:11|rosetta@home|[file_xfer] Finished download of file P4P6_Mg.sasa.gz
2007.05.25 15:20:11|rosetta@home|[file_xfer] Throughput 102 bytes/sec
2007.05.25 15:20:11|rosetta@home|[file_xfer] Finished download of file 1gid_native_secstruct.pdat.gz
2007.05.25 15:20:11|rosetta@home|[file_xfer] Throughput 116 bytes/sec
2007.05.25 15:20:11|rosetta@home|[file_xfer] Started download of file
2007.05.25 15:20:11|rosetta@home|[error] Checksum or signature error for P4P6_Mg.sasa.gz
2007.05.25 15:20:11|rosetta@home|[error] Checksum or signature error for 1gid_native_secstruct.pdat.gz
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